SharePointToolBox 82 – 16 freie Webparts

16 freie Webparts für SharePoint 2010, 2013 und Office 365

Eine sehr umfangreiche Sammlung von Webparts und Tools hat Ashok Raja programmiert und über CodePlex veröffentlicht. Die Tools sind nicht getestet – Erfahrungen gern als Kommentar

Script Box WebPart

Easily refer JavaScript and CSS style sheets in SharePoint Application with Script Box WebPart (This not OTB Script Editor WebPart) – SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010

Muti WebPart Tab Pages WebPart

Combine multiple Web Parts placed in a SharePoint 2013 Page into Tab Pages with the help of this Muti WebPart Tab Pages WebPart. This WebPart accepts web part titles as input parameter and convert those WebParts into Tab Pages – SharePoint 2013

Tab Pages Web Part

Muti Tab Pages WebPart in SharePoint 2013 with jQuery Easy Tabs Plugin. No more combining multiple web parts into Tab Pages. You can create tab pages in a single web part itself with this Multi Tab Pages WebPart. Source code is provided for SharePoint 2013, but it can be easily converted to SharePoint 2010 – SharePoint 2013

Feature Manager WebPart for Office 365

Feature Manager web part for public facing SharePoint 2013 website of Office 365. As there is no Manage Features option available in public facing site of Office 365, this web part would help to manage features.  – Office 365, SharePoint 2013

Twitter Feed WebPart

Twitter Feed WebPart based on Twitter API 1.1.This web part has the capability to render the content in default Twitter Timeline mode based on Twitter Widget ID and also has a custom rendering mode – SharePoint 2013

Flip Book WebPart

Flip Book WebPart transforms the web part content to a book with cover that can be flipped page by page. – SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010

Announcement Slider Web Part

Create a Slider based on the items available in your Announcement list. – SharePoint 2010

Image Carousel Web Part

Image carousel web part is based on highly popular Nivo slider plugin. This web part supports all configuration option provided by Nivo Slider. These configuration settings can be set via properties of web part – SharePoint 2013

Data List Web Part

This is a grid web part based on jQuery plugin data tables. This plugin provides extensive options to sort, filter and search grid items. – SharePoint 2013

News Ticker Web Part

A news ticker in SharePoint 2013. – SharePoint 2013

Change Password Web Part

Change Password WebPart for Active directory Users in SharePoint 2010 – SharePoint 2010

Twitter Feed Client Web Part

SharePoint 2013 Napa App which renders tweets based on a Twitter handler – SharePoint 2013 NAPA

Access Denied Web Part

This web part can be configured to redirect users to access denied page or to a custom URL irrespective of their privileges available for that page. – SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010

Metro UI Live Tiles Web Part

Live Tiles Web Part based on Metro UI – SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010

Dynamic Promoted Links

Promoted Links WebPart with dynamic data feed – SharePoint 2013

Share Point Dynamic Forms

This is a separate codeplex project , which has the capability to create data entry forms dynamically based on the configuration details set in the web part or in a separate configuration file. – SharePoint 2010

16 freie Webparts für SharePoint 2010, 2013 und Office 365


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Michael Greth

Michael Greth ist SharePoint-Begeisterter der ersten Stunde und arbeitet als freier Berater und Trainer rund um die Digitale Transformation mit den Schwerpunkten Microsoft, SharePoint, Künstliche Intelligenz und Video im Unternehmen. Seit vielen Jahre engagiert er sich in der Communityarbeit und ist dafür seit 24 Jahren von Microsoft mit dem Titel MVP (Most Valuable Professional) für Office Apps & Services ausgezeichnet. Er gründete und betrieb unter das größte deutschsprachige Anwenderforum für SharePoint- und Office365-Anwender und ist heute auf Social Media und in Usergroups aktiv.

Als Podcastpionier ist er seit 18 Jahren und über 400 Folgen mit dem online, einem der ältesten deutschschsprachigen Podcasts überhaupt. Und auch im Bewegtbildbereich ist er mit der SharePointSendung und weiteren Video- und LIveformaten seit vielen Jahren auf Youtube, LinkedIn und anderen Kanälen aktiv.