Tag - powershell

SharePoint ToolBox 121 – IGNITE Edition

SharePointalist SP Hub

SPHub is the newest and exciting addition to our product list. This web part allows to aggregate and group data from multiple repositories in SharePoint and presents them in a structured and neat way.

SPHub provides the following grouping options:
– Metadata hierarchy (based on term set hierarchy)
– Term
– Site collection
– Site
– Content Type
– Author

​​As a part of Microsoft Ignite promotion, SPHub FREE edition has no item limitations till November 1st, 2017.


SPFx Fantastic 40 Web Parts

This package is a sample kit of 40 great Client Side Web Parts built on the SharePoint Framework SPFx. You can find here different kind of high visual web parts as carousel, images galleries, custom editors, polls, charts, map, animations, etc. These WebParts are mainly based on best-class jQuery, React or Angular plugins and use the sp-client-custom-fields library to optimize the edit experience. And Yes, these web parts are free and open source, so have fun well to build effective SharePoint site.

These webparts are available: English, French, Spanish, German and not officially supported by Microsoft. 

CheatSheets for Powershell, Exchange, Sharepoint, Lync, RegEx, VSCode and more

A collection for Cheat Sheet for Powershell

SharePoint ToolBox 119 Microsoft Script Lab and PowerShell Scripts

Script Lab, a Microsoft Garage Project

Script Lab is a tool for anyone who wants to learn about writing add-ins for Excel, Word, or PowerPoint. The focus is the Office JavaScript API, which is the technology you need for building Office add-ins that run across platforms. Maybe you’re an experienced Office developer and you want to quickly prototype a feature for your add-in. Or maybe you’ve never tried writing code for Office and you just want to play with a sample and tweak it to learn more. Either way, Script Lab is for you.

Script Lab has three main features:

  • Code in a pane beside your spreadsheet. IntelliSense shows suggestions while you type so you can easily discover and use the Office JavaScript objects and methods. And if you don’t want to start from scratch there are plenty of samples preinstalled with Script Lab. Your snippets can use any TypeScript features like the magical async/await and conveniences like arrow functions and template strings. But it’s not only script: your snippets can also use HTML, CSS, and references to external libraries and data on the web. Script Lab uses the Monaco editor, the same tech that powers VS Code, so it’s beautiful and lightweight.
  • Run the code in another pane beside the editor. Execution can include logic, API calls to Office, UI in the pane, and even output to a console. Every time you make a code change you can refresh the editor and run the new version in seconds.
  • Share your snippets through GitHub. If you create a snippet you’d like to share, you can use Script Lab to save it. Then send the link to someone else to try it and tweak it on their computer. The Import feature lets you load other people’s snippets. We think sharing will be especially useful for asking and answering questions about add-ins on Stack Overflow (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/office-js).

You can install Script Lab right now for free from the Office Store. It works for Excel, Word, and PowerPoint on Office 2013 and later, Office Online, and Office for Mac.

The source code is open to the community at https://github.com/OfficeDev/script-lab. We welcome your contributions to the tool and to our snippets repo. We’re excited to keep building Script Lab with your help!

Reporting Office 365 Admin Role Group Members

This script produces a report of the membership of Office 365 admin role groups. The report is output to CSV file.

This script relies on the AzureAD PowerShell module, which you can install from the PowerShell Gallery.

1. Download the script from the link above.
2. Run the script using the usage examples below. You will be prompted to authenticate to Azure AD if you are not already connected.


  • ReportFile – You can provide a custom output file name. The file name you specify will be modified with the current date, for example MyReportFileName.csv will become MyReportFileName-ddMMyyyy.csv. If a file of the same name exists, a unique character string will also be appended to the file name.

SharePoint ToolBox 115 SharePoint Framework RC0

SharePoint Framework Release Candidate 0

Microsoft ist releasing a set of Release Candidates of the SharePoint Framework, which will include some breaking changes developers will need to accommodate. Developers can read more about these changes at


SharePointPnP.PowerShell Commands

This solution contains a library of PowerShell commands that allows you to perform complex provisioning and artifact management actions towards SharePoint. The commands use CSOM and can work against both SharePoint Online as SharePoint On-Premises (Office 365 Multi Tenant, Office 365 Dedicated, SharePoint 2013 on-premises, SharePoint 2016 on-premises)


You can test Office 365 API, Microsoft Graph and Office 365 Management Activity API. We support following endpoints.

  • outlook.office.com and outlook.office365.com (Office 365 API – Exchange Online)
  • graph.microsoft.com (Microsoft Graph)
  • manage.office.com (Office 365 Management Activity API)

You can use OAuth or Basic authentication as authentication mechanisms. (Only outlook.office365.com endpoint supports Basic authentication)



SharePointToolBox 95 Code Presenter Pro, Lookup, Deployer and WakeUp

Code Presenter Pro

This is the Office App you need to give a stunning code demo in your PowerPoint presentation. Packed with practical and easy-to-use tools,it is bound to give a boost to your productivity.

SharePoint 2013 Advanced Lookup

Advanced Lookup field with crossite, cascade, filter, order by, autocomplete and many other features for SharePoint 2013.

SPSD SharePoint Solution Deployer

Highly configurable but easy to use PowerShell script to deploy solutions toSharePoint 2010/2013. Performs also prerequisite checks and post-deployment actions

… and an oldie but goldie ..

SPSWAKEUP – Wake Up Your SharePoint

SPSWakeUp is a PowerShell script tool to warm up all site collection in your SharePoint environment. It’s compatible with all supported versions for SharePoint.


SharePointToolBox 86

ULS Viewer

ULS Viewer is a Windows application that provides a simplified view of ULS log files in SharePoint 2013 that supports aggregation, filtering, sorting, highlighting, append, and more.

Helping Streamline Log Shipping Failovers

Helps create/execute the Disaster Recovery steps performed while failing over Log Shipped databases. Most helpful for multiple databases, such as SharePoint, consolidated SQL Servers, etc. However, it also makes even a single database failover a more straightforward process.


SPPoSh is an extension to the out-of-the-box SharePoint Server 2013 PowerShell cmdlets provided by Microsoft. It is entirely free to use! Building on the.NET framework, using the SharePoint Server 2013 Object Model and CSOM, SPPoSh allows users to bridge the gap between developers and IT Pros, allowing a language that is normally only aimed at the IT Pros, to interact with objects at a lower level that would normally be controlled by the Power Users and the Developers.

SharePoint ToolBox 67

SharePoint Solution Deployer

A highly configurable but easy to use PowerShell script to deploy WSPs to SharePoint 2010/2013. It performs important prerequisite checks, post deployment actions and allows to „hook“ in your custom PowerShell actions. Can be also used for staging environments.

Visio Stencils for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

A set of Microsoft Visio Stencils that enable the design of Microsoft CRM application screens without the need for development resources or access to professional IT Consultants.

Download and Install SharePoint 2013 Prerequisites on Windows Server 2012

These PowerShell scripts will automate downloading and installing the SharePoint 2013 Prerequisites on Windows Server 2012. The scripts will assist those who need to install SharePoint 2013 ‚offline‘ or wish to manually install its Prerequisites on Windows Server 2012.

Modern UI – SharePoint 2010 Master Page

Modern UI Master Page and Styles for SharePoint 2010. This will give the Metro/Modern UI styling of SharePoint 2013 to your SharePoint 2010 team sites. Features include quick launch styling, global nav and drop-down styling, search box styling and layout change, web part header styling and  Segoe UI font.


SharePoint ToolBox 65

Auf dem ShareCamp 2013 in München hat Max Melcher einen Vortrag

SharePoint 2013 – Best Tools (v3)
Automatisierte SharePoint 2013 Installation

gehalten und Tools hier aus der Toolbox, aber auch andere Addons vorgestellt:

Die Slides zum Vortrag gibt es auf Slideshare:

SharePoint ToolBox #014 Chocolatey Nuget – English

// von Maximilian Melcher – now with webcam :-)

Chocolatey NuGet is a Machine Package Manager, somewhat like apt-get, but built with Windows in mind. In other words, you can install Software and Tools with PowerShell. In this Webcast Max shows you how to use Chocolatey to install SharePoint tools automatically.

Chocolatey is free, get it at http://chocolatey.org

The two MyGet feeds Max mentioned in the Webcast are available at:

Here is the German Version of this Toolbox.

SharePoint ToolBox #014 Chocolatey Nuget

// von Maximilian Melcher – jetzt auch mit Webcam 🙂

Chocolatey Nuget ist ein Paket Manager für Windows, vergleichbar mit apt-get für Linux-Systeme. Mit anderen Worten: Man kann damit Software und Tools automatisiert mit PowerShell installieren.

Chocolatey ist kostenfrei verfügbar: http://chocolatey.org

Die zwei MyGet feeds aus dem Webcast sind hier erreichbar:

Diese SharePoint Toolbox gibt es auch in Englisch.

SharePoint ToolBox #012 AutoSPSourceBuilder

// von Maximilian Melcher

AutoSPSourceBuilder: ein mächtiges PowerShell Script mit dem es möglich ist, Sharepoint 2010/2013 Installations-Pakete zu erstellen. Diese können mit den PreRequisites, Service Packs, Language Packs und kumulativen Updates kombiniert werden, eine nachträgliche Installation von z. B. Updates ist dann nicht nötig.

Kostenloser Download: http://autospsourcebuilder.codeplex.com/

English Version available!

SharePoint ToolBox 64

SharePoint Metro Grid Web Part

The SharePoint 2010/2013 „Metro Grid“ web part displays links in Metro Tile Grid format. A flexible SharePoint web part that provides clickable links in the shape of square tiles.  Super easy to configure and customize, just add the web part to a page and click „Add link“ to get started.  All interaction is AJAXed provided by jQuery and jQuery UI plugins. Compatible with all current versions of SharePoint including 2007, 2010, and 2013.  Plus, it doesn’t require the paid versions so those of you using the WSS or Foundation versions can take advantage of this web part.  Inspired by the new Windows 8 UI and also the SharePoint 2013 Team Site template, this modern tile style is catching on and is a great way to present linked content.  It comes with 251 icons available as an optional site collection feature, or use your own images.

SharePoint 2013 BI & ECM Demo Builds with SQL 2012 SP1

Through the use of Content Pack Concept for SelfService BI, ECM, Search and BigData,  we hope to bring you the ability to use the same demos we have built based with examples like Contoso Medical, Great White Gears, Contoso Schools, AdventureWorks Camping Supplies, TailSpinToys,  Contoso Casino, and more. We have extended the Content Pack Concept to include SQL and AD-DS OUs, Users, and Groups so that we can now install SQL 2012 SP1 and SharePoint 2013 in the same configuration as our environment, that allows us to give you these demos.

The following Demo installations are available for download now.

SharePoint 2013 Service Account Creator

This project consists of a  PowerShell script, some XML input files,  which together provide a fully automated creation of the Service Accounts required for SharePoint Server 2013.

The project comes with three different sets of Service Accounts for both SQL and SharePoint. You have the low, medium and high security option. The Higher Security, the more accounts you have in order to better achieve the Least Privilege Service Accounts.  However, there is also an XML file you can define and create what users you want!