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SharePointToolBox 89 – SharePoint Solution Packs

SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online solution packs

The SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online solution packs contain code samples and documentation that demonstrate how to use site branding and site provisioning techniques, create and use UX components, and address search customization scenarios for SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online.

SharePoint 2013 Search Query Tool

Tool to test and debug the Search REST API in SharePoint 2013. Issue GET and POST search and suggestions queries. Use also against SharePoint Online.

SharePoint Client Browser for SharePoint 2010 and 2013

The SharePoint Client Browser uses the CSOM to connect to a remote SharePointSite Collection and shows the site structure with related properties and values.

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Knockout binders for SharePoint 2013 and 2010 REST API and SP Services

KoSp, Knockout for SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2010 is a knockout binder extensions for SharePoint REST API and SP Services. KoSp provides custom knockout binding handlers that enables easy binding of json data from SharePoint lists retrieved via REST API with oData queries and  SP Services with CAML queries with client side controls.

SharePoint Host Named Site Collection Creator

The SharePoint Host named Site Collection (HSNC) Creator is a Codeplex Project that allows SharePoint Admins to create HSNC Via a GUI instead of PowerShell.

SharePoint Workflow Dashboard

Keep SharePoint workflows under control with help PlumSail Workflow Dashboard

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Corporate News App for SharePoint 2013

This project is an open and free App for SharePoint 2013. This tool helps site owners to add simple corporate news client app parts in SharePoint sites. With this app, you could have a dedicated app for a SharePoint site to manage news content directly in SharePoint lists or libraries, and you will be able to insert in pages 3 different client App parts to display these news with Javascript animations, like vertical or horizontal carousels.

Caml Designer 2013

The functionality of this version of the tool is similar to what it offers you for SharePoint 2010:

  • you can build CAML queries for single lists
  • you can build queries that can be executed with SPSiteDataQuery
  • beside the pure CAML queries, you can also get code snippets for the server-side object model, the .NET client-side object model, the JavaScript client-side object model and last but not least code snippets when working with REST.

With this first version of the tool you are not able to connect to SharePoint 2013 online yet, but it is definitely something we are going to look at for next version.

Responsive Frameworks for SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013

The goal of this project is to provide popular grid and responsive frameworks converted to SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013. That is right, we are taking the best pre-build web front-end frameworks and doing the hard part for you, converting them to work within the SharePoint environment. Our current plan is to convert the two most popular frameworks,Twitter Bootstrap and Zurb Foundation (3) and convert them to work in both SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013. In SharePoint 2013 we intend to also utilize Design Manager. Documentationincluded in each package is very thorough as we attempt to explain how to use the framework packages.