Tag - webpart

SharePointToolBox 82 – 16 freie Webparts

16 freie Webparts für SharePoint 2010, 2013 und Office 365

Eine sehr umfangreiche Sammlung von Webparts und Tools hat Ashok Raja programmiert und über CodePlex veröffentlicht. Die Tools sind nicht getestet – Erfahrungen gern als Kommentar

Script Box WebPart

Easily refer JavaScript and CSS style sheets in SharePoint Application with Script Box WebPart (This not OTB Script Editor WebPart) – SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010

Muti WebPart Tab Pages WebPart

Combine multiple Web Parts placed in a SharePoint 2013 Page into Tab Pages with the help of this Muti WebPart Tab Pages WebPart. This WebPart accepts web part titles as input parameter and convert those WebParts into Tab Pages – SharePoint 2013

Tab Pages Web Part

Muti Tab Pages WebPart in SharePoint 2013 with jQuery Easy Tabs Plugin. No more combining multiple web parts into Tab Pages. You can create tab pages in a single web part itself with this Multi Tab Pages WebPart. Source code is provided for SharePoint 2013, but it can be easily converted to SharePoint 2010 – SharePoint 2013

Feature Manager WebPart for Office 365

Feature Manager web part for public facing SharePoint 2013 website of Office 365. As there is no Manage Features option available in public facing site of Office 365, this web part would help to manage features.  – Office 365, SharePoint 2013

Twitter Feed WebPart

Twitter Feed WebPart based on Twitter API 1.1.This web part has the capability to render the content in default Twitter Timeline mode based on Twitter Widget ID and also has a custom rendering mode – SharePoint 2013

Flip Book WebPart

Flip Book WebPart transforms the web part content to a book with cover that can be flipped page by page. – SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010

Announcement Slider Web Part

Create a Slider based on the items available in your Announcement list. – SharePoint 2010

Image Carousel Web Part

Image carousel web part is based on highly popular Nivo slider plugin. This web part supports all configuration option provided by Nivo Slider. These configuration settings can be set via properties of web part – SharePoint 2013

Data List Web Part

This is a grid web part based on jQuery plugin data tables. This plugin provides extensive options to sort, filter and search grid items. – SharePoint 2013

News Ticker Web Part

A news ticker in SharePoint 2013. – SharePoint 2013

Change Password Web Part

Change Password WebPart for Active directory Users in SharePoint 2010 – SharePoint 2010

Twitter Feed Client Web Part

SharePoint 2013 Napa App which renders tweets based on a Twitter handler – SharePoint 2013 NAPA

Access Denied Web Part

This web part can be configured to redirect users to access denied page or to a custom URL irrespective of their privileges available for that page. – SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010

Metro UI Live Tiles Web Part

Live Tiles Web Part based on Metro UI – SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010

Dynamic Promoted Links

Promoted Links WebPart with dynamic data feed – SharePoint 2013

Share Point Dynamic Forms

This is a separate codeplex project , which has the capability to create data entry forms dynamically based on the configuration details set in the web part or in a separate configuration file. – SharePoint 2010

16 freie Webparts für SharePoint 2010, 2013 und Office 365

SharePoint ToolBox 78 Wetter-Webpart im SharePoint bereitstellen

Wer einen Wetter-Webpart im eigenen SharePoint bereitstellen will, kann das heute so schnell tun, dass man darüber kaum mehr nachdenken muss. Hier liefere ich eine kurze Anleitung zum Ziel:

Folgende Werkzeuge werden benötigt:

  • Standard XML-Viewer Webpart
  • Wetter-API
  • Ansprechende Wetter-Icons

Und so geht’s:

Um Wetterdaten anzeigen zu können, muss eine API mit entsprechenden Informationen zur Verfügung stehen. Wetter-APIs werden von vielen Anbietern bereitgestellt. Ruft man eine API über einen Browser auf, sind die darin befindlichen Daten im Detail ersichtlich. Dies ist vor allem dazu notwendig, um später die XSL-Struktur nach eigenen Wünschen beschreiben zu können.

Die zur Verfügung stehenden Wetterdaten meiner API-Schnittstelle sehen wie folgt aus:

[code language=“css“]
<city id="2950159" name="Berlin">
<coord lon="13.41" lat="52.52"/>
<sun rise="2014-02-19T06:13:11" set="2014-02-19T16:27:04"/>
<temperature value="5.27" min="4" max="6.3" unit="celsius"/>
<humidity value="63" unit="%"/>
<pressure value="1010.2" unit="hPa"/>
<speed value="2.9" name="Light breeze"/>
<direction value="230" code="SW" name="Southwest"/>
<clouds value="64" name="broken clouds"/>
<precipitation mode="no"/>
<weather number="500" value="leichter Regen" icon="10d"/>
<lastupdate value="2014-02-19T08:44:55"/>


Jeder Knoten liefert verschiede Informationen, welche auch ineinander geschachtelt sein können. Mein Wetter-Webpart soll in einer bereits festgelegten Ansicht dargestellt werden:

Die Informationen, welche ich also für die Anzeige meines Wetter-Webparts benötige sind folgende:

  • „icon“ aus dem Knoten „weather“ (hier mit dem Wert „10d“)
  • „name“ aus dem Knoten „city“ (hier mit dem Wert „Berlin“)
  • „value“ aus dem Knoten „temperature“ (hier mit dem Wert „5.27“)
  • „value“ aus dem Knoten „weather“ (hier mit dem Wert „leichter Regen“)

Diese Informationen muss ich nun in meine XSL-Struktur verpacken, damit später mein gewünschtes Ergebnis zu sehen ist.
Mein XSL hat folgende Struktur:

[code language=“css“]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" exclude-result-prefixes="msxsl">
<xsl:output method="html" indent="yes" encoding="utf-8" />
<xsl:template match="/">
<table class="WeatherWP" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<xsl:call-template name="weatherIcon"/>

<xsl:template name="weatherIcon">
<xsl:variable name="weather">
<xsl:value-of select="@value"></xsl:value-of>
<xsl:variable name="icon">
<xsl:value-of select="//current/weather/@icon"></xsl:value-of>
<div class="icon{$icon}">
<img src="/_layouts/15/images/blank.gif" alt="{$weather}" title="{$weather}" />

<xsl:template match="city">
<div class="City">
<xsl:value-of select="@name"/>

<xsl:template match="temperature ">
<div class="Temperature">
<xsl:value-of select=’format-number(@value, "0")’/>

<xsl:template match="weather">
<div class="Weather">
<xsl:value-of select="@value"/>

Im oberen Bereich der Tabelle übergebe ich im ersten TD das XSL-Template mit dem Namen „weatherIcon“, im zweiten TD alle anderen Templates. Wenn man sich das XSL und die in der API bereitstehenden Knoten in Ruhe anschaut, erklärt sich die Zusammensetzung fast von selbst. Wenn hierzu weitere Informationen benötigt werden, gehe ich nach einem entsprechenden Hinweis gern noch einmal im Detail darauf ein.

Die daraus entstehende HTML-Struktur, welche mir im Browser angezeigt wird, sieht wie folgt aus:

[code language=“css“]</pre>
<table class="WeatherWP" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<div class="icon10d">
<img title="" alt="" src="/_layouts/15/images/blank.gif" />
<div class="City">Berlin</div>
<div class="Temperature">5℃</div>
<div class="Weather">leichter Regen</div>

CSS-Anpassungen können dann beliebig vorgenommen werden. Ich übergebe für jedes Icon ein entsprechendes Bild per CSS, welches sich an einer Klasse orientiert, die aus dem Begriff „icon“  und dem jeweilig gelieferten Wert aus der API zusammengesetzt ist und verschiebe die Informationen an die von mir gewünschten Stellen.

Um schließlich alles im SharePoint anzeigen lassen zu können, muss im ersten Schritt der Standard XML-Viewer Webpart einer beliebigen Webpartzone hinzugefügt werden. Dann auf „Webpart bearbeiten“ klicken und in die Konfiguration des Webparts übergehen.  Im Feld „XML-Verknüpfung“ wird nun die API-URL eingefügt. Sie dient an dieser Stelle als Lieferant der entsprechenden Daten und verknüpft den Webpart mit diesen.
Über den Button „XSL-Editor“ öffnet sich ein kleines Fenster, in welches nun die XSL-Struktur übertragen wird.  Auf „übernehmen“ und anschließend auf „OK“ klicken und schon ist der Wetter-Webpart wie gewünscht sichtbar.

SharePoint ToolBox 63

APVA Office 365 GUI Manager

APVA Office 365 GUI Manager is a free tool for managing simple tasks in Microsoft Office 365 online without the hassle to get into PowerShell right away. Things like a simple password reset on users or managing mailbox permissions as ‘full mailbox access’ and ‘send as’ permissions I like to do easy.

_api JSON Viewer

One of the first things you wish for when working with SharePoint 2013 REST api, is a way to display the raw data, so you know what you have to work with. The _api JSON Viewer app is the tool that does exactly that, with a very user-friendly display and simple functionality. It even allows you to view JSON data across the site collection and every apps. This is a must have app for anyone working with the SharePoint 2013 REST _api. This app is for viewing purpose only and do not make it possible to change data.

Available in the Office App Store!

Fusion Charts Free for SharePoint

Fusion Charts Free for SharePoint (FCFS) provides a set of 22 different charts (2D & 3D) that integrates easily into your SharePoint environment (WSS 3.0 / MOSS 2007 / Sharepoint Foundation 2010 / Sharepoint Server 2010).


menu4web – free javascript menu and sharepoint web parts. Good way to start with menu4web is to go to http://menu4web.codeplex.com/releases and get menu4web examples (menu4web.zip) file. Extract it into a folder on your computer and run index.html. This is just JavaScript. It does not require any server side support. M4W 2010 and 2007 web parts allow to display content from SharePoint lists in menu4web.

SharePoint ToolBox 58

SharePoint Move Discussion Threads

SharePoint Move Discussion Threads solution is a tool that allows to move a thread across discussion boards within a site-collection. We had a site collection with more than 30 sub-sites with information separated by kinds of activities. A chief editor of the site collection tried to keep order in this knowledgebase. He required a tool to move a thread to a peer discussion board if the thread by meaning is destined for it and preserve thread’s data to be immutable.

Jefs – Javascript editor for SharePoint

Jefs is a lightweight, in-browser editor that lets you customize SharePoint pages with javascript, html and css.

PDF Viewer Web part

Here now presenting PDF Viewer web part solution with code. You can view any pdf file by providing url of the pdf document or you can use this pdf viewer web part as connected web part also.


SharePoint ToolBox 50

Jubiläum – die 50.te ToolBox

SharePoint Branding Package

Create your own Branding package in only a few minutes! This SharePoint Branding Project template is used to create a new SharePoint branding solution wsp package, the package includes a custom masterpage, a minimal master, a custom stylesheet, logo and favicon. All parts can easily be edited or replaced. The wsp includes an activation and deactivation feature as well as a childweb eventreciever to apply branding on all subsites when they are created.

SolidQ Filtered Lookup Columns for Cascading Dropdowns in SharePoint 2010

This framework helps you to do cascading filters in dropdowns lookups columns in SharePoint 2010. It supports more than 20 items scenario, then it works fine with select and also with input tag. And also lets more than one cascade relationship. It is very easy to configure.

SharePoint Euro 2012 – UEFA European Football Predictor

SharePoint Euro 2012 Tournament Predictor is the ultimate one-page EURO 2012 prediction game. Euro2012 Predictor is a free SharePoint Sandbox solution for SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint Online (365), where you can predict what you think will happen at Euro 2012!

SharePoint Facebook and Twitter Web Parts  (SharePoint 2007)

Show Facebook and Twitter social media web parts on a SharePoint page.

SharePoint ToolBox 49

Template Hub for SharePoint

The SharePoint Template Hub makes it possible for you to have a centralized repository for your templates.
It solves the issue with one-to-one relationships between Content Types and Templates by splitting this up, and give you the possibility to reuse a content type for several templates without any implications. All templates can also have metadata connected to them that will come over to the document when it is saved in the target document library. The document template repository is a standard SharePoint Document Library, thus it supports all the standard metadata, publishing and workflow features for working with your document templates, just like you would expect with regular documents.
The site administrators can configure the end user experience for the Template Selector using views, filters and columns, and you get live previews of your templates as well as sorting, filtering and search.

EF SharePoint 2010 workflow activities

More than 20 custom workflow activities from Eric Fang.

SharePoint Carousel

Sharepoint Carousel\Slider is a webpart that allows you to have a carousel that contains an image with a link below it. it is fully customisable from styles to the actual javascript that generates the slider data, it has currently only been tested with sharepoint 2010.
This is carousel\slider for sharepoint is built of the JCarousel http://sorgalla.com/jcarousel/.

SharePoint Data Generator

SharePoint Data Generator automatically populates SharePoint lists with realistic test data. Supported Fields: Single line of text, Multiple line of text, Choice, Number, Currency, Date and Time, Lookup, Yes/No, Person or Group, HyperLink or Picture.

SharePoint ToolBox 46

Magic Data View Builder

Great XSL support: Tool Create an intelligent XSL template that you can upload to your SharePoint site, and point any XSLT List View web part to it. The XSL should take care of figuring out which columns are in your view, what kind of data they present, and give you a table from which you can copy and paste the necessary XSL elements to create the design you want.

ULS Deobfuscator

ULS Deobfuscator is a viewer for SharePoint ULS log files.

SharePoint Database Information Integration Web Part Suite

The SharePoint Database Web Part Suite helps you to integrate your database information into SharePoint like any other ordinary SharePoint List. The Web Part Suite supports list views and detail dialogs to modify or to create new database entries.

Government of Canada Usability Web Experience Toolkit

This toolkit addresses the Government of Canada usability for CLF. It is based on SharePoint 2010 Server and provides templates for a publishing site with variations enabled. This toolkit includes:

  1. Master Pages
  2. Page Layouts
  3. Custom User Controls
  4. Source Code

SharePoint ToolBox 44

SPrello – an open source UI for SharePoint 2010 inspired by trello.com

A simple card/post it note like UI for displaying and organising items in SharePoint lists inspired by http://trello.com –  Article with demo video

jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services  (new version)

This is a jQuery library which abstracts SharePoint’s Web Services and makes them easier to use. It also includes functions which use the various Web Service operations to provide more useful (and cool) capabilities. It works entirely client side and requires no server install.

SharePoint 2010 Google Maps V3 WebPart

This versatile SharePoint 2010 webpart allows you to display geographical points using Google Maps. It can get name, description and coordinates of each point from connected list webpart, configured list or directly from URL. It supports coordinates in many formats.

SharePoint FAQ 2010 Web Part

The purpose of the SharePoint FAQ Web Part is to provide a list-based, user-friendly FAQ component to be used in a SharePoint 2010.

SharePoint ToolBox 43

SPEasyBranding (Hands-Free SharePoint Branding)

A SharePoint solution that makes Branding SharePoint sites as easy as 1-2-3. SPEasyBranding provides two features that allow the injection of CSS and JavaScript files into the DOM using either a web part (for updating a single page) or master page delegate.

SharePoint 2010 Tasks Delegations Manager

SharePoint Tasks Delegation Manager The Delegation manager solution is SharePoint project covers the limitation of workflow. Assume that you got tasks assigned from SharePoint workflow and you are not available or you Have to delegate the responsibility to another user for


SharePoint.WarmUp (by Sogeti) is a SharePoint 2010 feature deploying a job in charge to keep all SharePoint sites (and additional URL if needed) awake.

SharePoint PlayGround

Usefull controls, webparts and tools to use with SharePoint. For example : Search Tag Cloud, Netvibes WebPart, Concepts Extractor for Fast, Weather WebPart, WebClipping…

SharePoint 2010 The Genesis Framework

The SharePoint Genesis Framework for SharePoint 2010 gives you a new way to declare fields, content types, list instances and feature definitions in code. It also gives you a more flexible solution for handling entities than SPMetal and Linq-2-SharePoint.

SharePoint ToolBox 42

Dynamisches Inhaltsverzeichnis für SharePoint Foundation Listen-Wikis Version 2.0

  • Das Wiki Inhaltsverzeichnis von 1stQuad Solutions erstellt dynamisch über JavaScript eine Hierarchie aus den gefundenen HTML Header-Elementen (H1 bis H4, konfigurierbar)

Chart Part für SharePoint 2010

  • Das grossartige Chart Web Part von Wictor Wilén (www.wictorwilen.se) für WSS 3 und MOSS, welches auf Codeplex (http://chartpart.codeplex.com) der Community zur Verfügung steht, ist eine saubere Gratislösung zur Gestaltung von Charts anhand von Listendaten. 1stQuad Solutions hat basierend auf dem Sourcecode eine neue Visual Studio 2010 Solution gebaut und die nötigen Anpassungen für SharePoint 2010 durchgeführt.

SharePoint (2010) Farm Backup

  • Leveraging the power of the new SharePoint 2010 Management Shell, this powerful PowerShell script will perform a SharePoint farm/site backup based on your requirements as stipulated in an accompanying params XML file.

UsersADBrowser Web Part

  • Web Part for SharePoint 2010 to display a list of users and organizational units Active Directory