Tag - Office365 API

SharePoint ToolBox 115 SharePoint Framework RC0

SharePoint Framework Release Candidate 0

Microsoft ist releasing a set of Release Candidates of the SharePoint Framework, which will include some breaking changes developers will need to accommodate. Developers can read more about these changes at


SharePointPnP.PowerShell Commands

This solution contains a library of PowerShell commands that allows you to perform complex provisioning and artifact management actions towards SharePoint. The commands use CSOM and can work against both SharePoint Online as SharePoint On-Premises (Office 365 Multi Tenant, Office 365 Dedicated, SharePoint 2013 on-premises, SharePoint 2016 on-premises)


You can test Office 365 API, Microsoft Graph and Office 365 Management Activity API. We support following endpoints.

  • outlook.office.com and outlook.office365.com (Office 365 API – Exchange Online)
  • graph.microsoft.com (Microsoft Graph)
  • manage.office.com (Office 365 Management Activity API)

You can use OAuth or Basic authentication as authentication mechanisms. (Only outlook.office365.com endpoint supports Basic authentication)