Category - Angetestet

SharePointToolbox 96 ContosoSales For PowerBI and Free eBook

ContosoSales For PowerBI

This download includes the Contoso Sales for Power BI Designer.pbix sample Power BI Designer file. This file includes over two million rows of sales data for the fictitious company, Contoso Inc.. You will not be able to access the actual data source. All data is stored within the file’s model and can only be viewed in Power BI Designer.

Free ebook: Microsoft Azure Essentials: Azure Machine Learning

This book focuses on providing essential information about the theory and application of data science principles and techniques and their applications within the context of Azure Machine Learning Studio. The book is targeted towards both data science hobbyists and veterans, along with developers and IT professionals who are new to machine learning and cloud computing.




SharePointToolBox 90 Free Sharepoint AZ Index Web Part



The Amrein AZ Index Web Part allows to either interactively filter a Sharepoint List web part or to transmit the selected value as an URL parameter to another page (as for example by placing the AZ Index web part on the homepage to let users select the first letter of a staff member which then redirects the user to the „Staff Directory“ web page).

The AZ Index Web Part can be used with Windows Sharepoint Services V3, MOSS 2007, Sharepoint 2010 and Sharepoint 2013.

Free to download at Amrein.


SharePoint ToolBox 74

SharePoint Client Browser for SharePoint 2010 and 2013

Remote SharePoint development is getting more important. Especially with SharePoint Apps. To speed up development, find hidden lists/items/documents, discover the structure or specific artifact properties use the SharePoint Client Browser which supports both SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013. Get up and running in seconds, because this WinForm tool does not need installation but simply unzip the download and start the EXE file. Next step, connect to your on-premise or SharePoint Online (Office 365) site collection.

People Picker Plus for SharePoint 2010

Globally replace the SharePoint people picker with a better control that works the same across IE, Chrome, and Firefox.

p2csv – Permissions To CSV

p2csv (Permission to CSV) is a small jQuery plugin that makes easy and fast the task to export SharePoint sites, lists and libraries permissions, creating a clean and readable CSV file.  It’s full compatible with SharePoint 2007, 2010 and 2013.

SharePoint ToolBox #015 Resource and Room Manager for SharePoint

SharePoint Resource and Room Manager from SharePointEduTech is the one solution you need for managing rooms and resources. Using this solution within SharePoint you can easily manage the booking of IT rooms, meeting spaces, laptops, digital cameras, minibuses or even sets of textbooks.

Enable end users to simply and instantly book resources removing the need to keep spread sheets, separate databases or pieces of paper on a noticeboard.

SharePoint ToolBox 67

SharePoint Solution Deployer

A highly configurable but easy to use PowerShell script to deploy WSPs to SharePoint 2010/2013. It performs important prerequisite checks, post deployment actions and allows to „hook“ in your custom PowerShell actions. Can be also used for staging environments.

Visio Stencils for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

A set of Microsoft Visio Stencils that enable the design of Microsoft CRM application screens without the need for development resources or access to professional IT Consultants.

Download and Install SharePoint 2013 Prerequisites on Windows Server 2012

These PowerShell scripts will automate downloading and installing the SharePoint 2013 Prerequisites on Windows Server 2012. The scripts will assist those who need to install SharePoint 2013 ‚offline‘ or wish to manually install its Prerequisites on Windows Server 2012.

Modern UI – SharePoint 2010 Master Page

Modern UI Master Page and Styles for SharePoint 2010. This will give the Metro/Modern UI styling of SharePoint 2013 to your SharePoint 2010 team sites. Features include quick launch styling, global nav and drop-down styling, search box styling and layout change, web part header styling and  Segoe UI font.


SharePoint ToolBox #014 Chocolatey Nuget – English

// von Maximilian Melcher – now with webcam :-)

Chocolatey NuGet is a Machine Package Manager, somewhat like apt-get, but built with Windows in mind. In other words, you can install Software and Tools with PowerShell. In this Webcast Max shows you how to use Chocolatey to install SharePoint tools automatically.

Chocolatey is free, get it at

The two MyGet feeds Max mentioned in the Webcast are available at:

Here is the German Version of this Toolbox.

SharePoint ToolBox #014 Chocolatey Nuget

// von Maximilian Melcher – jetzt auch mit Webcam 🙂

Chocolatey Nuget ist ein Paket Manager für Windows, vergleichbar mit apt-get für Linux-Systeme. Mit anderen Worten: Man kann damit Software und Tools automatisiert mit PowerShell installieren.

Chocolatey ist kostenfrei verfügbar:

Die zwei MyGet feeds aus dem Webcast sind hier erreichbar:

Diese SharePoint Toolbox gibt es auch in Englisch.

SharePoint ToolBox #012 AutoSPSourceBuilder

// von Maximilian Melcher

AutoSPSourceBuilder: ein mächtiges PowerShell Script mit dem es möglich ist, Sharepoint 2010/2013 Installations-Pakete zu erstellen. Diese können mit den PreRequisites, Service Packs, Language Packs und kumulativen Updates kombiniert werden, eine nachträgliche Installation von z. B. Updates ist dann nicht nötig.

Kostenloser Download:

English Version available!

SharePoint ToolBox #010 SharePoint 2010 BlobCache Manager

// von Maximilian Melcher

In dieser Toolbox stellt Maximilian den SharePoint 2010 BlobCache Manager vor. Mit ihm können die Einstellungen des BlobCaches direkt in der Zentraladministration vorgenommen werden.

SharePoint 2010 BlobCache Manager

Update: Es gibt ein ähnliches Tool auf CodePlex von Trevor Seward

Es gibt auch eine englische Version dieses Reviews

SharePoint ToolBox #006 Tools für FAST Search for SharePoint 2010

// von Maximilian Melcher

Diese Toolbox dreht sich  rund um FAST Search for SharePoint 2010 (FS4SP): Es werden zwei Tools und eine Solution für FAST vorgestellt.

FAST Search for Sharepoint MOSS 2010 Query Tool (

Tool mit dem man sehr leicht Such-Queries abschicken kann und und dabei sehr viele FAST-spezifischen Such-Eigenschaften unterstützt.

FAST Search for Sharepoint 2010 Query Logger (

Mit diesem Tool kann man die Suchtreffer bezüglich Ranking auswerten und sich ansehen was im FAST-Backend als Suchanfrage ankam.

SharePoint Search Parts

Ein WebPart mit dem es möglich ist FQL-Suchanfragen über die Suchbox abzuschicken.

SharePoint Toolbox #005 Cloud4Brain

//mit Michael Greth

Cloud4Brain – kommerzielle SharePoint Lösung für Ideenmanagement der MindBusiness GmbH

Die MindBusiness Cloud4-Apps unterstützen u.a. zentrale Prozesse, wie beispielsweise die Ressourcenplanung, die strategische Entscheidungsfindung oder ein kreativ-übersichtliches Ideenmanagement. Die Silverlight-Anwendungen laufen unter SharePoint Foundation 2010, SharePoint Server 2010 und im SharePoint in Office 365.

Info über die Cloud4App Produktreihe auf