Category - Sprache

SharePoint ToolBox #014 Chocolatey Nuget – English

// von Maximilian Melcher – now with webcam :-)

Chocolatey NuGet is a Machine Package Manager, somewhat like apt-get, but built with Windows in mind. In other words, you can install Software and Tools with PowerShell. In this Webcast Max shows you how to use Chocolatey to install SharePoint tools automatically.

Chocolatey is free, get it at

The two MyGet feeds Max mentioned in the Webcast are available at:

Here is the German Version of this Toolbox.

SharePoint ToolBox #014 Chocolatey Nuget

// von Maximilian Melcher – jetzt auch mit Webcam 🙂

Chocolatey Nuget ist ein Paket Manager für Windows, vergleichbar mit apt-get für Linux-Systeme. Mit anderen Worten: Man kann damit Software und Tools automatisiert mit PowerShell installieren.

Chocolatey ist kostenfrei verfügbar:

Die zwei MyGet feeds aus dem Webcast sind hier erreichbar:

Diese SharePoint Toolbox gibt es auch in Englisch.

SharePoint ToolBox #012 AutoSPSourceBuilder

// von Maximilian Melcher

AutoSPSourceBuilder: ein mächtiges PowerShell Script mit dem es möglich ist, Sharepoint 2010/2013 Installations-Pakete zu erstellen. Diese können mit den PreRequisites, Service Packs, Language Packs und kumulativen Updates kombiniert werden, eine nachträgliche Installation von z. B. Updates ist dann nicht nötig.

Kostenloser Download:

English Version available!

SharePoint ToolBox 64

SharePoint Metro Grid Web Part

The SharePoint 2010/2013 „Metro Grid“ web part displays links in Metro Tile Grid format. A flexible SharePoint web part that provides clickable links in the shape of square tiles.  Super easy to configure and customize, just add the web part to a page and click „Add link“ to get started.  All interaction is AJAXed provided by jQuery and jQuery UI plugins. Compatible with all current versions of SharePoint including 2007, 2010, and 2013.  Plus, it doesn’t require the paid versions so those of you using the WSS or Foundation versions can take advantage of this web part.  Inspired by the new Windows 8 UI and also the SharePoint 2013 Team Site template, this modern tile style is catching on and is a great way to present linked content.  It comes with 251 icons available as an optional site collection feature, or use your own images.

SharePoint 2013 BI & ECM Demo Builds with SQL 2012 SP1

Through the use of Content Pack Concept for SelfService BI, ECM, Search and BigData,  we hope to bring you the ability to use the same demos we have built based with examples like Contoso Medical, Great White Gears, Contoso Schools, AdventureWorks Camping Supplies, TailSpinToys,  Contoso Casino, and more. We have extended the Content Pack Concept to include SQL and AD-DS OUs, Users, and Groups so that we can now install SQL 2012 SP1 and SharePoint 2013 in the same configuration as our environment, that allows us to give you these demos.

The following Demo installations are available for download now.

SharePoint 2013 Service Account Creator

This project consists of a  PowerShell script, some XML input files,  which together provide a fully automated creation of the Service Accounts required for SharePoint Server 2013.

The project comes with three different sets of Service Accounts for both SQL and SharePoint. You have the low, medium and high security option. The Higher Security, the more accounts you have in order to better achieve the Least Privilege Service Accounts.  However, there is also an XML file you can define and create what users you want!

SharePoint ToolBox #010 SharePoint 2010 BlobCache Manager English

// by Maximilian Melcher

In this episode of the SharePoint ToolBox Maximilian presents a quick overview about the free CodePlex solution SharePoint 2010 BlobCache Manager. With this tools you can manage your web application’s blobcache settings directly from the central administration.

SharePoint 2010 BlobCache Manager (

There is also a German version of this review available.

Update: There is similar tool at CodePlex from Trevor Seward

SharePoint ToolBox #010 SharePoint 2010 BlobCache Manager

// von Maximilian Melcher

In dieser Toolbox stellt Maximilian den SharePoint 2010 BlobCache Manager vor. Mit ihm können die Einstellungen des BlobCaches direkt in der Zentraladministration vorgenommen werden.

SharePoint 2010 BlobCache Manager

Update: Es gibt ein ähnliches Tool auf CodePlex von Trevor Seward

Es gibt auch eine englische Version dieses Reviews

SharePoint ToolBox 59

QRCode App for SharePoint 2013

This project is an open and free App for SharePoint 2013. The QRCode App is an app part to generate dynamically QRCode in your SharePoint’s pages. With this app part, you can insert qrcode with the URL or text of your choice and choose the size that you want. The QRCode App is an open source tool distributed under MIT license by Olivier Carpentier. This tool is based on the excellent jquery.qrcode.js jquery extension by Jerome Etienne.

Galleriffic App for SharePoint 2013

Galleriffic App is an app part for SharePoint 2013 to display a pictures gallery with cool JQuery animations and effects. This App is an open source tool distributed under MIT license byOlivier Carpentier and based on the excellentGalleriffic jquery extension by Trent Foley.

Google Analytics SharePoint Online / Office 365

This sandbox solution enables google analytics everywhere in your site collection. By installing this sandbox solution, you can paste and add automatically the Google Analytics code to all your Office 365 sites. It works together with Office 365 publishing sites and also with Office 365 collaboration sites (team sites, blogs, etc.)
Installation manual:


SharePointToolBox #007 SP SIN SharePoint Script – Style INjector

SP SIN is a free solution (available on CodePlex) created by Bjørn Furuknap

SP SIN (from SharePoint Script/Style INjector) solves an age-old problem for developers and administrators, how to add script and style sheet resources to SharePoint without modifying master pages.

This problem is more complex than it seems because SharePoint allows and encourages changes to systems that are in production. How can you ensure that the changes you make work before deploying them to all users? How can you create versions of script and style sheet resources so that you can maintain backwards compatibility with previous solutions?

SP SIN solves these problems by allowing site owners, or those granted permissions, to inject script or style sheet resources into pages without touching any of the pages. All of this is accomplished using SharePoint best practices and recommended approaches only.


SharePoint ToolBox 57

SharePoint 2010 Reset Version Number

Two workflows for SharePoint 2010 which will renumber the versions of an item depending on your needs.

SharePoint SlideShow

SharePoint SlideShow customizable webpart in SharePoint 2010. Slideshow from SP 2010 picture library using jquery

Export SharePoint 2010 External List to Excel

As you already know, there is no possibility in SharePoint 2010 to export any external lists to excel file like with other lists or document libraries. This is a simple plugin, which will install new ribbon button to any external list on SharePoint site collection. After you click on this button the modal dialog window will pop up and you can choose to which excel file type (office 97 – 2003 or to office 2007 – 2010) you want to export current external list.

WF Terminator

SharePoint 2010 Tool for Finding & Terminating Workflows. Please see the Home Page for more information.