SharePoint PowerShell Community Toolkit
The SharePoint PowerShell Community Toolkit is a community based project to add additional command line functionality to SharePoint using PowerShell cmdlets.
New-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryScopeDisplayGroup – creates a new scope display group New-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryScopeDisplayGroupScope – adds a scope to an existing scope display group Reset-SPEnterpriseSearchIndex – resets an Enterprise Search content index Start-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryScopesCompilation – starts Enterprise Search scope compilation
SharePoint 2010 Education Demo Project
The SharePoint 2010 Education Demo Project showcases the newest features of SharePoint 2010 using subject matter and use cases that are meaningful to the Education sector.
MiniCalendar Web Part
A small web part to display links to events stored in a list (or document library) in a mini calendar (in month view mode). It shows tooltips for the the events. It uses standard sharepoint css classes.
SUSHI Version 4.0 for SharePoint 2010
SharePoint SUSHI is a powerful, user-friendly utility enabling you to accomplish common administrative tasks. You can think of SUSHI as a Swiss army knife for SharePoint.
SUSHI Features
- Security Reports View all sites and lists a user has access to.
- Profile Images Import Upload Profile Images and Apply them to User Profiles.
- Backup Backup a site.
- Restore Restore site from backup.
- Email Test Send a test email to make sure outbound email is set up correctly.
- Copy View Copy a view from one SharePoint list to another.
- Meta Data Get detailed information about metadata in a list. Move metadata from one column to another for all items in a list. And more.
- Bulk List Creation Create a large number of subsites based on a site template.
- Bulk Site Columns Create Site Columns.
- Import Documents Upload entire file structures from a file share into a document library.
- Delete Old Documents Copy documents older than a specified date to an archive folder and then delete from SharePoint.
- Bulk Site Creation Create a large number of subsites based on a site template.
- Themes Apply a Theme to many sites at once
Technorati: SharePoint, Podcast, SharePointCommunity,MOSS, SharePoint 2010, Michael Greth, Office 2010, SharePoint Toolbox