Tag - developer

SharePoint ToolBox 112 SharePoint Framework Developer Preview

SharePoint Framework Developer Preview

The SharePoint Framework is a Page and Part model that enables client-side development for building SharePoint experiences. It facilitates easy integration with the SharePoint data, and provides support for open source tooling development.

The SharePoint Framework is still in initial Developer Preview, and it’s still rough around the edges. As we work to improve the SharePoint Framework, we’d love your feedback! If you have feedback, please use UserVoice. If you have technical questions about the framework, we’ll be monitoring #spfx, #spfx-webparts, and #spfx-tooling on SharePoint StackExchange.

SharePoint ToolBox #014 Chocolatey Nuget – English

// von Maximilian Melcher – now with webcam :-)

Chocolatey NuGet is a Machine Package Manager, somewhat like apt-get, but built with Windows in mind. In other words, you can install Software and Tools with PowerShell. In this Webcast Max shows you how to use Chocolatey to install SharePoint tools automatically.

Chocolatey is free, get it at http://chocolatey.org

The two MyGet feeds Max mentioned in the Webcast are available at:

Here is the German Version of this Toolbox.

SharePoint ToolBox #014 Chocolatey Nuget

// von Maximilian Melcher – jetzt auch mit Webcam 🙂

Chocolatey Nuget ist ein Paket Manager für Windows, vergleichbar mit apt-get für Linux-Systeme. Mit anderen Worten: Man kann damit Software und Tools automatisiert mit PowerShell installieren.

Chocolatey ist kostenfrei verfügbar: http://chocolatey.org

Die zwei MyGet feeds aus dem Webcast sind hier erreichbar:

Diese SharePoint Toolbox gibt es auch in Englisch.

SharePoint ToolBox 62


Camlex.NET simplifies creating of CAML queries for Windows SharePoint Services by using expression trees.

Template Hub for SharePoint

The SharePoint Template Hub makes it possible for you to have a centralized repository for your templates. It solves the issue with one-to-one relationships between Content Types and Templates by splitting this up, and give you the possibility to reuse a content type for several templates without any implications. All templates can also have metadata connected to them that will come over to the document when it is saved in the target document library.

The document template repository is a standard SharePoint Document Library, thus it supports all the standard metadata, publishing and workflow features for working with your document templates, just like you would expect with regular documents.

SharePoint Property Bag Settings 2013

SharePoint Property Bag offers developers to store configurations settings at different levels of the SharePoint hierarchy outside of the application itself.