Category - Allgemein

SharePointToolBox #007 SP SIN SharePoint Script – Style INjector

SP SIN is a free solution (available on CodePlex) created by Bjørn Furuknap

SP SIN (from SharePoint Script/Style INjector) solves an age-old problem for developers and administrators, how to add script and style sheet resources to SharePoint without modifying master pages.

This problem is more complex than it seems because SharePoint allows and encourages changes to systems that are in production. How can you ensure that the changes you make work before deploying them to all users? How can you create versions of script and style sheet resources so that you can maintain backwards compatibility with previous solutions?

SP SIN solves these problems by allowing site owners, or those granted permissions, to inject script or style sheet resources into pages without touching any of the pages. All of this is accomplished using SharePoint best practices and recommended approaches only.


SharePoint ToolBox 58

SharePoint Move Discussion Threads

SharePoint Move Discussion Threads solution is a tool that allows to move a thread across discussion boards within a site-collection. We had a site collection with more than 30 sub-sites with information separated by kinds of activities. A chief editor of the site collection tried to keep order in this knowledgebase. He required a tool to move a thread to a peer discussion board if the thread by meaning is destined for it and preserve thread’s data to be immutable.

Jefs – Javascript editor for SharePoint

Jefs is a lightweight, in-browser editor that lets you customize SharePoint pages with javascript, html and css.

PDF Viewer Web part

Here now presenting PDF Viewer web part solution with code. You can view any pdf file by providing url of the pdf document or you can use this pdf viewer web part as connected web part also.


SharePoint ToolBox 57

SharePoint 2010 Reset Version Number

Two workflows for SharePoint 2010 which will renumber the versions of an item depending on your needs.

SharePoint SlideShow

SharePoint SlideShow customizable webpart in SharePoint 2010. Slideshow from SP 2010 picture library using jquery

Export SharePoint 2010 External List to Excel

As you already know, there is no possibility in SharePoint 2010 to export any external lists to excel file like with other lists or document libraries. This is a simple plugin, which will install new ribbon button to any external list on SharePoint site collection. After you click on this button the modal dialog window will pop up and you can choose to which excel file type (office 97 – 2003 or to office 2007 – 2010) you want to export current external list.

WF Terminator

SharePoint 2010 Tool for Finding & Terminating Workflows. Please see the Home Page for more information.

SharePoint ToolBox #006 Tools für FAST Search for SharePoint 2010

// von Maximilian Melcher

Diese Toolbox dreht sich  rund um FAST Search for SharePoint 2010 (FS4SP): Es werden zwei Tools und eine Solution für FAST vorgestellt.

FAST Search for Sharepoint MOSS 2010 Query Tool (

Tool mit dem man sehr leicht Such-Queries abschicken kann und und dabei sehr viele FAST-spezifischen Such-Eigenschaften unterstützt.

FAST Search for Sharepoint 2010 Query Logger (

Mit diesem Tool kann man die Suchtreffer bezüglich Ranking auswerten und sich ansehen was im FAST-Backend als Suchanfrage ankam.

SharePoint Search Parts

Ein WebPart mit dem es möglich ist FQL-Suchanfragen über die Suchbox abzuschicken.

SharePoint ToolBox 56

Corporate News App for SharePoint 2013

This project is an open and free App for SharePoint 2013. This tool helps site owners to add simple corporate news client app parts in SharePoint sites. With this app, you could have a dedicated app for a SharePoint site to manage news content directly in SharePoint lists or libraries, and you will be able to insert in pages 3 different client App parts to display these news with Javascript animations, like vertical or horizontal carousels.


Blogsite-Webtemplate for SharePoint 2010

SharePoint SlideShow Webpart

SharePoint Slideshow webpart shows all the pictures from the picture library as thumbnail image in the webpart in pages in a slideshow. On Clicking of each thumbnail, the images will be seen in a separate page, again in a slideshow.

Promoted Links for SharePoint 2010

SharePoint 2013 has been shown to the world and one of the features that have come along with the preview was something known as Promoted Links.  In SharePoint 2013 this is a custom list type with a specific view on the list that showed you your links in a nice enhanced manner with some javascript goodness.  Christopher Pettigrew  really liked this functionality and decided to not only create it for SharePoint 2010 usage but also enhanced the implementation.

SharePoint ToolBox 55 Share4Navigation

Mit der kostenfreien Version Share4Navigation der MindBusiness GmbH lässt sich in nur wenigen Schritten eine übersichtliche Navigation zu Hyperlinks (Websites, SharePoint-Listen, etc.) im aktuellen (Metro-) Kachel-Design zu erstellen. Dabei können sowohl verschiedene Farben, als auch Metro-Icons hinterlegt werden. Die Navigationselemente werden dabei über eine SharePointListe verwaltet.

Funktioniert mit SharePoint 2010 und Office 365

Und hier gibt es mehr zum Tool

SharePoint ToolBox 54 Project Management Template

BrightWork hat ein kostenloses Template für ein Projektmanagement mit SharePoint 2010 erstellt. Im Video wird die Installation und die Funktionsweise des Templates ausführlich beschrieben.

The free Project Management Template from BrightWork will get you started managing projects with out-of-the-box SharePoint today. The template extends out of the box SharePoint 2010 to provide a collaborative workspace to manage a project. Download this template and you will get:

  • The ability to capture and organize project goals, issues, risks, tasks and more
  • Out of the box My Work reports, Gantt charts, discussion forums and team calendars
  • Project status reports for real-time project visibility
  • An optional sync with Microsoft Project


SharePoint ToolBox 53 Apps in SharePoint 2013

Did you know that developers can now build a new class of apps for the new Office and SharePoint ? Watch this 90 seconds video to find out more!

Additional infos

SharePoint Tool Box Spezial: Power View

//mit Michael Greth

Markus Raatz von der Ceteris AG erklärt im Interview mit der, was sich hinter Microsoft Power View verbirgt.

Mehr zum Thema bietet die Reihe „Talkin‘ Insights“ im SharePointPodcast, in der SharePoint MVP Michael Greth im Gespräch mit Markus Raatz Fragen rund um SharePoint und Business Intelligence diskutieren.