Category - Allgemein

SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflow Workshop LAB 4

//mit Michael Greth

Workflow mit SharePoint Designer 2010 ist eine der interessantesten Funktionen für PowerUser. In der vierten Folge der SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflow Workshop LABs zeigt SharePoint MVP Michael Greth:

  • Wiederverwendbaren Workflow erstellen
  • Inhaltstyp zuordnen
  • Identitätswechselschritt – Verschieben von Dokumenten mit der Berechtigung des Workflow-Autors

SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflow Workshop LAB 2

//mit Michael Greth

Workflow mit SharePoint Designer 2010 ist eine der interessantesten Funktionen für PowerUser. In der zweiten Folge der SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflow Workshop LABs zeigt SharePoint MVP Michael Greth:

  • Rechnungsformular mit InfoPath erstellen
  • Artikelliste mit Rechnungsformular verknüpfen
  • Regeln und Prüfungen definieren
  • Formular in Formularbibliothek Rechnungen veröffentlichen
  • Formular als Inhaltstyp Rechnung veröffentlichen

SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflow Workshop LAB 1

//mit Michael Greth

Workflow mit SharePoint Designer 2010 ist eine der interessantesten Funktionen für PowerUser. In der ersten Folge der SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflow Workshop LABs zeigt SharePoint MVP Michael Greth:

  • Artikelliste in SharePoint Designer 2010 anlegen
  • Standardformular anpassen
  • SharePoint-Formular erstellen
  • Listenformulare mit InfoPath anpassen

SharePoint ToolBox 52

SharePoint 2010 Metro UI

This project spawned from the desire to have a little funky landing page for a SharePoint 2010 site.

We are planning a few iterations of this project. For now there are 4 files.

  • MetroUI Master Page
  • MetroUI Css
  • MetroUI Layout page
  • Zip file of Metro Icons and background image

Obilogic Yammer Reader Web Part

Simple Yammer Reader (Sandbox) Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Foundation and/or Server

List Driven Custom Menu Data Source for SharePoint Server 2010

List based Custom Menu Site Map Provider for SharePoint Server 2010 which extends the OOB menu provider and provide rich functionality.

SharePoint Toolbox #005 Cloud4Brain

//mit Michael Greth

Cloud4Brain – kommerzielle SharePoint Lösung für Ideenmanagement der MindBusiness GmbH

Die MindBusiness Cloud4-Apps unterstützen u.a. zentrale Prozesse, wie beispielsweise die Ressourcenplanung, die strategische Entscheidungsfindung oder ein kreativ-übersichtliches Ideenmanagement. Die Silverlight-Anwendungen laufen unter SharePoint Foundation 2010, SharePoint Server 2010 und im SharePoint in Office 365.

Info über die Cloud4App Produktreihe auf

SharePoint ToolBox 51


Automated SharePoint 2010 Powershell-based installation script.

Introducing AutoSPInstaller v3 with numerous enhancements including:

  • Granular SQL server assignment and aliasing for (almost) every service/web app (for control freaks)
  • Centralized, remote installation to all farm servers
  • Ability to specify any XML input file, by passing it as an argument to AutoSPInstallerLaunch.bat
  • Several tweaks & fixes

AutoSPInstaller works with and now leverages enhancements in SharePoint 2010 Service Pack 1 (with or without the June 2011 CU)! It takes advantage of some of the cmdlet updates in SP1, while remaining backward-compatible with non-SP1 deployments.

SharePoint Comments Anywhere

This is a very simple project which provides a commenting web part and a list template with the instance to store user’s comments. Comments Anywhere can be configured on any list, pages library or any page of the SharePoint site with a web part zone enabling users to add their comments virtually anywhere you as an admin or a power user of your site want them to.

SharePoint Slide Menu Control

The Slide Menu control represents the container for the menu structure. A menu is composed of MenuItem objects that represent the individual menu commands in the menu structure.

My Links Menu for SharePoint 2010

This control closely mimics the „My Links“ menu from SharePoint 2007. In addition to listing a user’s My Links and site memberships, it can also leverage SharePoint search to display a list of all sites the user has access to. Please see the documentation for installation instructions and for more information about using the search functionality.