SharePoint Toolbox 15

SharePoint 2010 Site Styles

SharePoint 2010 Site Styles provide a way to centrally manage and apply CSS and images to publishing and non-publishing sites with a SharePoint 2010 environment.

What does it do?

  • Allows designers, developers, administrators to deploy CSS customizations in an centrally managed, enterprise ready format
  • Brings the power of SharePoint 2007 themes to SharePoint 2010
  • Deploy custom CSS without enabling Publishing
  • Ability to determine which site styles should support theming and which should not
  • Respects all standard SharePoint security (Designer access required to change site styles)
  • Does not elevate security (SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivledges), all changes are completed under user context

Show SharePoint Version in Office Documents

The “Show SharePoint Version in Office Documents” solution can be used to extract version information stored in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 document libraries and display it within Microsoft Office documents (a version for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 is also available in the Downloads area).

SharePoint Navigation Menu

Have a Web App with multiple site collections and need a common navigation menu? How about a SP Web Part that gives a consistent, easy to use, centralized site navigation WITH security trimming? This solution uses a SP list for its source.

SharePoint 2010 : Winwise.SPMailing

Winwise.SPMailing is a SharePoint 2010 solution that allows users to extract SharePoint content in order to generate mailings (newsletters) and send them.

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SharePoint Toolbox 14

Orbit One SharePoint 2010 Master Page Picker

With Orbit One SharePoint 2010 Master Page Picker you can choose custom master pages for SharePoint Foundation web sites from the SharePoint 2010 Site Settings, without activating the SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure feature.

SharePoint Outlook Connector

SharePoint Outlook Connector makes it easier for outlook users to upload emails to SP and attach SP documents to an email message . You’ll no longer have to save your email to desktop and upload from SP UI or download SP documents to your drive and attach them to your email.

  • Saving email meta data to SharePoint document item (title, to, from etc) functionality has been added
  • SharePoint 2010 support has been added
  • Saving email message as list item and attachments as attachment of the list item functionality has been added

AD User Editor

AD User Editor is a Webpart for MOSS 2007 that allows to easily modify any profile property of any person in Active Directory. Il can also be configured as "self-service" for a user to be able to modify his properties only.

  • 6 different types of properties fields: ReadOnly, Simple TextBox, DropDownList/ListBox (with predefined values), People Picker, Date Picker with calendar.
  • Multi-domain compatible.
  • Nearly Any Active Directory property can be easily added or removed of the edit form, directly trough the webpart configuration (nothing "hard-coded").
  • SharePoint "look & feel"
  • Available in English, Spanish and French

SharePoint 2010 – Extensions

Addons for sharepoint 2010 to increase end user usability.

  • Automatic Treeview Metadata Navigation
  • Silverlight host webpart without the 5 second limit
  • Silverlight upload form

Der letzte Tipp ist zwar kein primäres SharePoint Tool aber eine interessante CMS Alternative

Sense/Net Enterprise Portal & ECMS

Sense/Net 6.0 is the world’s first enterprise grade open source Portal & ECMS software for the .NET platform. Modules include Enterprise Portal,
Enterprise Content Management, Web Content Management, Enterprise Search, Identity Management and Enterprise Infrastructure.

Technorati: SharePoint, Podcast, SharePointCommunity,MOSS, SharePoint 2010, Michael Greth, Office 2010, SharePoint Toolbox

SharePoint ToolBox 13

FilterZen for SharePoint

FilterZen, the Filter Web Part for SharePoint, lets you dynamically filter everything in SharePoint with a wide range of filter types and unprecedented customizability. Dynamically filter Lists, Document Libraries, Data Views and other Web Parts on the fly, automatically or interactively, choosing from a wide range of specialized filtering mechanisms

Free light version, commerical basic and advanced version 

SharePoint Cumulus Tagcloud

SharePoint Cumulus Tag Cloud similar to WP Cumulus Tag Cloud for WordPress blogs.
Visit for more information

MT2SP Blog Migrator

This tool will migrate a movable type blog to a sharepoint blog. Support is included for transforming post data (media links) to a new location (i.e. sharepoint list)
note that this is a tool written specifically for the purpose, it’s not pretty and could do a lot more, however, it’s done the job and the task is now complete. As far as my support goes, it’s unlikely it’ll see many updates now as I have no need to further it myself. It could automatically create the categories by pulling the out of the export then creating them on the fly, it could also clear down the lists before it posted to them, or even post the images to lists. All of this is possible via the lists web service which i’ve used to post the content. You’ll need to mess around with some CAML but adjusting the code should be very easy after a bit of googling.

Silverlight Multi File Uploader

The Silverlight Multi File Uploader is a free Silverlight 4 application. It can be used to upload multiple files simultaneously to your website. Includes a JavaScript interface and also supports PHP.
The LITE version is fully customizable and can be controlled using JavaScript.

Easy SharePoint integration. A WebPart and HttpHandler that work with SharePoint are available as a seperate download.

Technorati: SharePoint, Podcast, SharePointCommunity,MOSS, SharePoint 2010, Michael Greth, Office 2010, SharePoint Toolbox

SharePoint ToolBox 12

SharePoint PowerShell Community Toolkit

The SharePoint PowerShell Community Toolkit is a community based project to add additional command line functionality to SharePoint using PowerShell cmdlets.

  • New-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryScopeDisplayGroup – creates a new scope display group
  • New-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryScopeDisplayGroupScope – adds a scope to an existing scope display group
  • Reset-SPEnterpriseSearchIndex – resets an Enterprise Search content index
  • Start-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryScopesCompilation – starts Enterprise Search scope compilation
  • SharePoint 2010 Education Demo Project

    The SharePoint 2010 Education Demo Project showcases the newest features of SharePoint 2010 using subject matter and use cases that are meaningful to the Education sector.

    MiniCalendar Web Part

    A small web part to display links to events stored in a list (or document library) in a mini calendar (in month view mode). It shows tooltips for the the events. It uses standard sharepoint css classes.

    SUSHI Version 4.0 for SharePoint 2010

    SharePoint SUSHI is a powerful, user-friendly utility enabling you to accomplish common administrative tasks. You can think of SUSHI as a Swiss army knife for SharePoint.

    SUSHI Features



    • Copy View Copy a view from one SharePoint list to another.
    • Meta Data Get detailed information about metadata in a list. Move metadata from one column to another for all items in a list. And more.
    • Bulk List Creation Create a large number of subsites based on a site template.
    • Bulk Site Columns Create Site Columns.
    • Import Documents Upload entire file structures from a file share into a document library.
    • Delete Old Documents Copy documents older than a specified date to an archive folder and then delete from SharePoint.


    • Bulk Site Creation Create a large number of subsites based on a site template.
    • Themes Apply a Theme to many sites at once

    Technorati: SharePoint, Podcast, SharePointCommunity,MOSS, SharePoint 2010, Michael Greth, Office 2010, SharePoint Toolbox

    SharePoint ToolBox 11

    Eine sommerliche Ausgabe der ToolBox

    State Machine Workflow mit InfoPath Formularen für SharePoint 2010

    Kein Tool im eigentlichen Sinne,aber Reiner Ganser hat sich sehr intensiv mit State Machine Workflows beschäftigt und seine ausführliche dreiteilige Serie enthält CodeSamples zur Umsetzung des Workflows.

    Enhanced RSS Viewer Web Part

    für MOSS2007 /WSS3

    This web part displays aggregated RSS feeds from a local or remote location.
    These are the features provided by this webpart:

    • It uses XSLT (it also supports dataform runtime extension functions – ddwrt) to transform the rss xml into html.
    • It can connect to rss that requires authentication as well.
    • It can aggregate several feeds and display them together


    EBE 3.0-Enhanced Blog Edition 3.0

    Neue Version des Community Kits for SharePoint Enhanced Blog Edition

    New Features

    • Ability to theme wiki pages
    • Ability to export post to PDF
    • Localization (French, Spanish)
    • Technorati Links from post categories
    • Ability to bookmark post with Twitter
    • Centralized Theming – Ability to create a theme library at the root and allow sub blog sites to use the common theme library.
    • The ability to add an XML feed control
    • Logging of pingbacks and trackback errors to SharePoint Logs directory
    • Support of feature stapling
    • Preliminary SharePoint 2010 Beta 3 compatible (with web.config edits)
    • EBE caching and performance validation
    • Performance increases for page loads less than <3 sec
    • Note: Some features are specific to certain themes


    • Caching enhancements
    • Added caching to XML controls
    • Added enhanced XSL caching
    • Ability to exclude the EBE HttpModule from specific paths
    • Auto-Discovery for Live Writer metaweblog api
      Tweaks and enhancements to all themes
    • Ability to sign-in after denied access to system pages
    • Posts with future date are now hidden from posts list
    • Browser title now matches post titles
    • Comments are not added if they are spam

    SharePoint 2010 CSV Bulk Taxonomy TermSet Importer/Exporter

    Allows for multiple import/export of *.csv files to a given term group in SharePoint 2010 Term Store.
    Import: It will create new term group based on the name provided. If group already exist, it will delete all term sets and re-imports from *csv files.

    Technorati: SharePoint, Podcast, SharePointCommunity,MOSS, SharePoint 2010, Michael Greth, Office 2010, SharePoint Toolbox

    SharePoint ToolBox 10

    Die 10. Ausgabe der ToolBox – heute mit


    3D TagCloud for SharePoint 2010

    A simple Flash based 3D TagCloud WebPart for SharePoint 2010. Based on a built-in TagCloud WebPart & Cumulus plugin for WordPress.
    Has same settings as standard TagCloud, but renders a nice 3D cloud.


    More Sharepoint Features

    Read/Write Security for Document Libraries

    ‚Only their own‘ – By default, only lists that are not document libraries have the ability to set the ‚Only their own‘ permission. This permission allows users to edit / read only documents that they have created, and not documents that others have created. (Users with ‚Manage Lists‘ permissions on the site can read all items, regardless of who created them). This feature allows an admin to turn this setting on for a Document Library.


    SharePoint 2010 automatic sign-in with mixed authentication

    SharePoint 2010 comes with Claims based authentication and the option to have multiple authentication providers for the same url. Unfortunately this setup breaks transparent authentication in an intranet environment. This project aims to solve this issue.

    Technorati: SharePoint, Podcast, SharePointCommunity,MOSS, SharePoint 2010, Michael Greth, Office 2010, SharePoint Toolbox

    SharePoint ToolBox 9

    HSG Memo Web Part 

    Das HSG Memo Web Part, das auf jeder beliebigen Webpart Seite platziert werden kann, zeigt dem jeweiligen Benutzer die jeweils relevanten Telefonnotizen – sei es für ein Projekt oder den Customersupport. Das HSG Memo Web Part bringt 4 verschiedenen Ansichten mit.

    Free Download

    HSG Book Management

    Mit dem HSG Book Management gehören verschollene Bücher der Vergangenheit an! Das HSG Book Management greift mit dem Amazon Web Service® auf ein großes Buchinformationssystem zu und versorgt die Benutzer mit erweiterten Informationen. Mitarbeiter können Bücher ausleihen und retournieren – so behalten Sie immer den Überblick.

    Free Download

    SharePoint Filtered Lookup Field (SharePoint 2007 Version)

    This project creates a custom SharePoint lookup field that offers new functionalities to default SharePoint lookup field by allowing filters to be applied to retrieved data. Applied filters can be either dynamic CAML queries or pre-defined list views residing in source lists

    SharePoint 2010 Filtered Lookup Field

    This project is the porting for SharePoint 2010 of the "SharePoint Filtered Lookup Field".

    Technorati: SharePoint, Podcast, SharePointCommunity,MOSS, SharePoint 2010, Michael Greth, Office 2010, SharePoint Toolbox

    SharePoint ToolBox 8


    ShowMe for SharePoint 2010

    is a solution that includes on-demand video training as context-sensitive help in SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint Online
    To put it simply, we provide ‚how-to‘ help to your users when they need it! Our expert-led, how-to videos are displayed in an engaging Silverlight user interface via context-sensitive ribbon controls.

    Microsoft Search Server 2010 Express

    Microsoft Search Server 2010 Express is an enterprise search solution that is free to download, simple and flexible to configure, and powerful enough to meet your needs.

    Free Rollup Web Part for SharePoint 2010

    The Lightning Conductor 2010 Express web Part provides you with a current site collection rollup web part that is easy to configure for both aggregating the content and displaying it. If you want to aggregate content across site collections then check out the full version of the Lightning Conductor 2010

    Lifein SharePoint SharePoint 2010 – Community Projects


    Selection of useful webparts & Solutions specifically for SharePoint 2010.

      • SPTwitter – Internal Twitter webpart for SharePoint Foundation (Sandbox) & Enhanced version for SharePoint Enterprise (Farm)
      • TwitterRollup – Rollup your favorite twitter feeds via this webpart (Farm)


    Technorati: SharePoint, Podcast, SharePointCommunity,MOSS, SharePoint 2010, Michael Greth, Office 2010, SharePoint Toolbox

    SharePoint ToolBox 7

    Diesmal habe ich mich, inspiriert vom TwitterFeed der SharePoint Usergroup Schweiz/Liechtenstein auf der Entwicklersite umgesehen, dort gibt es diverse Projekte, die sich mit Webparts, Custom Controls und mehr für SharePoint beschäftigen. Hier mal eine Auswahl aktueller Tools für SharePoint 2010.

    Bing maps in SharePoint 2010 web part

    This article shows how to create a simple web part in SharePoint 2010 and use Bing Maps service to render maps.

    Picture Thumbnails Web Part (SharePoint 2010)

    Displays images from a SharePoint Picture Library in a widget-like thumbnail layout

    Flash Movie Field (SharePoint 2010)

    Custom Flash Movie Field to render Flash movies

    Event Calendar Listing Web Part (SharePoint 2010)

    Displays SharePoint events (or any calendar list) in a compact widget style calendar

    Site Map Web Part (SharePoint Server 2010)

    Displays site structure in a hierarchical tree that is expandable and collapsible

    Site Content Web Part (SharePoint 2010)

    Displays site and sub-site content in a hierarchical tree that is expandable and collapsible

    Technorati: SharePoint, Podcast, SharePointCommunity,MOSS, SharePoint 2010, Michael Greth, Office 2010, SharePoint Toolbox

    SharePoint Toolbox 6

    SharePoint 2010 CSV Bulk Term Set Importer

    Allows for multiple import of *.csv files to a given term group in SharePoint 2010 Term Store.
    It will create new term group based on the name provided. If group already exist, it will delete all term sets and re-imports from *csv files

    Infos zum TermStore und zum Import der Metadaten

    SharePoint Feature – Export history version to Excel

    Add a function to list the action button, the ability to export history version of the item sheet to Excel from the specified date.
    Features supports multilanguage, LCID 1029 Czech, LCID 1033 English, LCID 1031 German.

    SharePoint 2010 Central Administration Service Application Shortcut Web Part

    A small feature that contains a Web Part with links to the management pages for all manageable Service Applications. You can place it anywhere you like in Central Administration, preferable on the CA start page.

    Technorati: SharePoint, Podcast, SharePointCommunity,MOSS, SharePoint 2010, Michael Greth, Office 2010, SharePoint Toolbox

    SharePoint ToolBox 5

    FAST for Sharepoint MOSS 2010 Query Tool

    Tool to query FAST for Sharepoint and Sharepoint 2010 Enterprise Search. It utilizes the search web services to run your queries so you can test your queries remotely from your local machine. It shows your results, allows you to refine your query (FAST), and page your results.
    The FAST for Sharepoint MOSS 2010 Query Tool is a WPF client that allows a developer to explore the scopes and managed properties of a given SharePoint Search SSP, build queries in FQL, Keyword, or SQL Syntax, submit those queries and examine the raw web service results. This tool can be useful in building and troubleshooting your FAST (Keyword and FQL) and Sharepoint (Keyword and MSSQL) search queries

    Projekt auf CodePlex

    Productivity Hub Solution

    The Productivity Hub 2010 is a customizable, on-premise training solution for technology products. Developed by RedTech for Microsoft, the Productivity Hub is based on SharePoint 2010. Code for the Productivity Hub’s Sliverlight components and other add-ons can be found here.

    Projekt auf Codeplex

    Gov 2.0 Kit v2 for Sharepoint 2010

    The Gov 2.0 Kit makes it easier for federal and state and local governments to fast-track their Gov 2.0 deployments and leverage existing Microsoft SharePoint™ 2010 deployments through the use of accelerator templates. These templates allow government agencies to gear their sites around some of the emerging key trends in eGovernment today!

    Projekt auf CodePlex

    HP Sizer for Microsoft SharePoint

    HP Sizer for Microsoft SharePoint is a complimentary planning resource that encapsulates knowledge gained from extensive performance characterization of Office SharePoint Server 2007 and SharePoint 2010 in the HP Alliances Performance and Solutions labs. The Sizer offers a quick and consistent methodology for determining and comparing configurations, as well as detailed, customizable server and storage solutions complete with bill of materials and pricing.

    Download bei HP

    Technorati: SharePoint, Podcast, SharePointCommunity,MOSS, SharePoint 2010, Michael Greth, Office 2010, SharePoint Toolbox

    SharePoint Toolbox 4

    Data Synchronisation Studio – Community Edition

    Data Synchronisation Studio is a powerful application for publishing business data directly to SharePoint Lists from variety of Data sources such as SQL Server Tables and Views, Oracle, MySQL, Active Directory and Exchange Server.

    Import and Export data between multiple Line-of-Business Applications such as SQL Server and SharePoint without making system or configuration changes to these systems.

    (This version provides the basic features but limits the comparison to 1000 rows)

    SharePoint Rsync List

    This program will syncronize files and directories from and unc/local/sharepoint to a SharePoint 2007 or 2010 server. Supports of to 2GB files and both manually and timer based syncs. Setting metadata on files is also supported.

    Linkbutton Web Part

    This SharePoint 2007 web part places a configurable button in a SharePoint web part zone. The button can be configured to specify a URL which the button will navigate to. The URL can contain a query string that has variables wich can be replaced by the users login information including user name, full name, and email address.

    SharePoint Admin Dashboard

    SharePoint Dashboard for admins. Allows lightening fast multiple server management. RDP doesn’t scale. Manage 10 servers easier than 1 with incredible "Grid" scripts that put everything on one page.

    Wildcard Search Web Part for SharePoint 2010

    The Wildcard Search web part for MOSS 2007 was wildly successful. Although, SharePoint 2010 has built-in wildcard searching functionality, the out-of-the box web part requires the user to add an asterisk to the search query. This web part resolves that issue.

    Technorati: SharePoint, Podcast, SharePointCommunity,MOSS, SharePoint 2010, Michael Greth, Office 2010, SharePoint Toolbox